Selasa, 21 Desember 2010


  • Getting to know the basic composite video.
  • Measuring standard composite video and voltage.
  • Determining the parameters of composite video. 
  • 1 VCD / VTR
  • 1 Oscilloscope 40 MHz and passive probe
  • An RCA cable connector - BNC (75Ohm
Circuit diagram :


Composite Video Signal Construction
        Composite video signal containing variations of the camera signal (image information), blanking pulses (blanking), and synchronization pulses (sync). 
Figure 1 Three sets of composite video signal is a variation of the camera signal, blanking pulses, and synchronizing pulses. (A) camera signals (image information) to a single horizontal line, (b) H blanking pulse signal is added to the camera, (c) Toll-alignment of H added to the pulse discharge. 

Figure 2 composite video signals for two horizontal lines

            In figure 2, the amplitude of voltage and current are shown sequentially for MRV two horizontal lines in the shadows, as time increases Dalan horizontal direction, the amplitude is changed to white shade, gray, or black in the picture. Starting from the far left at time zero, the signal at the level of white and MRV file located on the left image (the image). Once the first line dipayar from left to right, found different cameras with different amplitude signal corresponding to image information is required. After penjejakkan (trace) horizontal camera produces the desired signal for one line, MRV file located on the right image (image or image). Then the discharge pulse is inserted in order to restore the video signal amplitude to the top to the black level, so that repetition of traces can be left empty.             After emptying time long enough to cover the trail repetition, emptying the voltage is removed. Then & MRV file located on the left, ready to memayar next line. In this way each horizontal line dipayar respectively. Note that the second line shows the dark image information near the black level.            With regard to time, the amplitude of the signal-amplitude right after emptying in Figure 2 shows the information in accordance with the left side at the start line of MRV. Just before discharge, the signal variation corresponds to the right side. Appropriate information in the middle line of MRV is half the time between discharge pulses. 

Figure 3. Details of horizontal blanking and synchronizing pulses. 

 Details of the horizontal blanking period as figure 3. Intervals marked H is the time required to memayar a complete line including tracking and loop trail 

  Figure 4. Details of the alignment pulses and discharge for successive field in vertical & MRV.

 Pulse-Pulse Alignment in Time Decommissioning V

          Sync pulses are inserted in the composite video signal during vertical blanking pulse width shown in Figure 4. This includes pulses to equalize, pulses vertical alignment and horizontal alignment of multiple pulses. Signal-signal is shown at intervals of time at the end of the field and the next one, to describe what happens during the vertical blanking time. Both signals are shown one above the other are the same, except for half-line shift between successive fields are required for MRV intertwined odd lines. 

          Starting from the left in Figure 4, the fourth-last line of MRV horizontal raster shown on the basis of joint discharge pulses and horizontal alignment is needed. Immediately after following the last visible line, the video signal is made into the black by the vertical blanking pulse in preparation for the repetition of vertical trace.  

         Vertical blanking period begins with a group of six pulses MRV, which separate the half-line intervals.Next is the vertical alignment pulse produces real jagged vertical flyback in a series of MRV. Serration also occur at intervals of half a line. Thus, a complete vertical alignment pulse width is three lines. Following the vertical alignment is a another group of six pulse equation and a series of horizontal pulses. During the vertical blanking period as a whole, there is no information on the resulting image, because the signal level is black or blacker than black so that the repetition of vertical traces can be left empty. 

           In a signal at the summit, the first pulse is a full line of credit beyond the previous horizontal alignment; in signals below for the next field, the first pulse is as far as half a line. The difference this time and a half lines between the even fields and odd continues through all subsequent pulses, so that the pulses of the vertical alignment for successive fields MRV interwoven set time for the odd lines. 

Decommissioning & MRV V and V (V Blanking and V Scanning) 
            Serrated vertical sync pulses that force the vertical deflection circuit to start the flyback. However, the flyback generally will not begin with the start of vertical alignment because the alignment must build a toll-charge in a capacitor in order to trigger circuits & MRV. If we assume that the vertical flyback starts with the leading edge of the third serration, the elapsed time from one line for vertical alignment before the flyback starts. Also six pulses to equalize the same with the three lines before the vertical alignment. So 3 + 1 = 4 lines left blank at the bottom of the image, right before the vertical loop trail begins. 

           How much time is required for the flyback circuit depends on MRV, but the repetition time of a typical vertical traces are 5 lines. Once the loop trail MRV file from the bottom to the top of raster, produced five complete horizontal lines. Repetition vertical trail can be completed with ease during vertical blanking time. With 4 lines left blank at the base before the flyback and 5 lines emptied during flyback, 12 lines remaining from a total of 21 during during vertical blanking. The 12 blank lines at the top raster in the vertical direction of the surface tracking down. 

           In summary, 4 lines left blank at the bottom and 12 on the top line in each field. In the framework of a total of two fields, 8 lines emptied at the base and 24 lines at the top. MRV lines generated during vertical tracking, but that made black by the vertical blanking, forming black rods at the top and the bottom of the image.  High image is slightly reduced by the discharge, compared with a raster that is not emptied. However, height can be fixed easily by enlarging the amplitude of the sawtooth waveform for vertical & MRV.


  1. Set-up equipment as shown above, connect the video out VCR / VCD with CRO input.
  2. ON the instrument.
  3. Set the appropriate CRO to be easily observed (use MODE switch on the TV-H position and / or TV-V, in accordance with the observed images.) When seeing a wave of horizontal synchronization MODE switch put on the TV-H position, while to see a wave of vertical sync put the MODE switch on the TV-V position.
  4. Observe and picture synchronization pulses and horizontal blanking, vertical blanking pulse, the front porch and rear, and image information.
  5. Image of the wave forms and determine the voltage.

  1. What is the frequency of horizontal sync and vertical sync?
  2. What system is used in the video? 


Tanpa Kaset CD
T/D = 2 ms
V/D = 0,2 V

Gambar TV V

Gambar TV H

Kaset CD belum di play

T/D = 2ms
V/D = 0,2V

Gambar TV V
Gambar TV H

Dengan kaset CD setelah di play

T/D = 1 ms
V/D = 0,2 V

Gambar TV V
Gambar TV H


1. What is the frequency of horizontal sync and vertical sync?     

  • Frequency = 31.68 KHz horizontal synchronization     
  • Frequency = 70.71 Hz vertical synchronization

2. What system is used in the video?
    The system used is to use the system pemodulasian AM because it can be seen from the changes in amplitude and has a spectrum of AM. 
  1. Comprises a composite video signal variations comprising image information, pulse blanking (blanking), and pulse alignment (synchronization), each based on a function of time.
  2. Intervals marked H is the time required to memayar a complete line including tracking and loop trail. 
    • a. front porch pulse            = 0.02 H
    • b. horizontal sync pulse       = 0.08 H
    • c. back porch pulse            = 0.06 H
    • d. horizontal blanking pulse = 0.16 H

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